From the Underground to Hollywood Stars
The event is part of the 27th International Nova Music and Architecture Festival in Toruń, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, 2023.
The event is part of the project "Kuyavia + Pomerania - promotion of the region's economic potential - edition II".
Piotr Sałajczyk – piano
The Toruń Symphony Orchestra
Adam Wesołowski – conductor
E. Morricone – The Mission
H. Mancini – Moon river
H. Zimmer – Pearl Harbor
H. Zimmer – Gladiator
Vangelis – Conquest of paradise
W. Kilar – Sól ziemi czarnej [Salt of the Black Earth]
A. Wesołowski – Silver Concerto
J. Horner – Titanic
A. Piazzolla – Libertango
J. Williams – Schindler’s List
A. Wesołowski – Sinfonia industrialna [Industrial Symphony]
Prepare to be immersed in the captivating world of film music as this concert reaffirms its pivotal role in shaping acclaimed works of the silver screen. The repertoire for the evening will feature award-winning compositions that have firmly etched themselves into the public consciousness. Guiding this musical journey will be the renowned contemporary composer, Adam Wesołowski, who will skillfully conduct the event. The concert will also feature Piotr Sałajczyk, a Polish classical pianist acclaimed for his premiere performances of the latest classical music. The concert will commence with the exceptional music of Ennio Morricone from the film The Mission, created with an inspiration that transcends human limits. It will be followed by Henry Mancini’s iconic Moon River, and the award-winning compositions of Hans Zimmer, which have left an indelible mark on cinematic history. Prepare to be captivated by a composition by Vangelis, renowned for its original sounds, and a native piece by W. Kilar, transporting listeners to the evocative vision of Upper Silesia. Adam Wesołowski will also present his own works, notably the mesmerizing Silver Concerto, which utilizes contrasting melodies, authentic sounds, and visual imagery to vividly depict the enchanting interior of the Historic Silver Mine in Tarnowskie Góry. The concert will continue to captivate with music from iconic films such as The Titanic and Schindler’s List. We will also showcase Piazzolla’s jazzy masterpiece, Libertango, enriching the concert with its vibrant rhythms and melodies. Lastly, you will be treated to the magnificent Industrial Symphony, a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation that will leave a lasting impression.
Mecenas Główny: Gmina Miasta Toruń
Partner Główny: Samorząd Województwa Kujawsko-Pomorskiego
Wydarzenie odbywa się w ramach projektu „Kujawy + Pomorze - promocja potencjału gospodarczego regionu - edycja II"
Mecenas Kultury - Główny Sponsor: PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A.
Mecenasi: Toruńskie Zakłady Materiałów Opatrunkowych S.A. oraz marki: Seni i Bella, Urbitor Spółka z o.o.
Partnerzy: Vobacom Sp. z o.o., Uzdrowisko Ciechocinek S.A. producent wody mineralnej "Krystynka"
Organizator: Toruńska Orkiestra Symfoniczna