European Encounters – Classical Music and Saxophones
The event is part of the 27th International Nova Music and Architecture Festival in Toruń, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, 2023.
The event is part of the project "Kuyavia + Pomerania - promotion of the region's economic potential - edition II".
Hanna Herasymova-Liakhovych (Ukraine) – piano
Maria Pińska – soprano saxophone
Martyna Waszak – alto saxophone
Paweł Trawczyński – tenor saxophone
Dawid Kameduła – baritone saxophone
Weronika Kudrej – host
R. Binge - Concerto for Alto Saxophone
J.S. Bach - Sonata in G minor for Flute BWV 1020 (trans. for soprano saxophone)
P. Iturralde – Pequena Czarda
W.A. Mozart - Serenade in G major KV 525, part. I Allegro
J. Cosma - Autumn Leaves
A. Piazzolla - Libertango
Prepare to be enthralled by an upcoming concert that seamlessly combines remarkable works from various European music genres and historical periods, beautifully intertwined with the captivating melodies of the saxophone. The concert will commence with a piece by R. Binge, a celebrated British composer renowned for his contributions to the enchanting world of light music and the interesting fusion of lyricism and virtuosity in his works. Next, we will be treated to a sonata by Bach, a magnificent masterpiece of late Baroque chamber music. Another song to take the stage is a virtuosic solo piece in the classical style by a Spanish saxophonist entitled Pequena Czarda Additionally, the repertoire will feature captivating pieces performed by a saxophone quartet. Prepare to be indulged by Mozart’s serenade, which provides a contrasting yet beautiful respite from the artist’s later years of turmoil. We will then be treated to the timeless jazz classic Autumn Leaves, a piece that has captivated audiences worldwide. The evening will reach its pinnacle with the mesmerizing Libertango, a magnificent composition symbolizing the author’s transition from classical tango to the innovative style of tango nuevo.
Mecenas Główny: Gmina Miasta Toruń
Partner Główny: Samorząd Województwa Kujawsko-Pomorskiego
Wydarzenie odbywa się w ramach projektu „Kujawy + Pomorze - promocja potencjału gospodarczego regionu - edycja II"
Mecenas Kultury - Główny Sponsor: PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A.
Mecenasi: Toruńskie Zakłady Materiałów Opatrunkowych S.A. oraz marki: Seni i Bella, Urbitor Spółka z o.o.
Partnerzy: Vobacom Sp. z o.o., Uzdrowisko Ciechocinek S.A. producent wody mineralnej "Krystynka"
Organizator: Toruńska Orkiestra Symfoniczna