Tango Polaco – Polish and Argentinian Evening
The event is part of the 27th International Nova Music and Architecture Festival in Toruń, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, 2023.
The event is part of the project "Kuyavia + Pomerania - promotion of the region's economic potential - edition II".
Magdalena Lechowska – singer
Mikołaj Kostka – violin
Wiesław Ochwat – accordion
Chryzantemy Złociste [Golden Chrysanthemums], Upić się Warto [Let’s Get Drunk - It’s Worth It], To Ostatnia Niedziela [The Last Sunday], La Cumparsita.
The Tango Polaco ensemble skillfully intertwines a tribute to the captivating history of Polish pre-war tango with a bold endeavour to reconnect with the roots of a genre that originated in Argentina and Uruguay within the vibrant venues of Montevideo and Buenos Aires of suspicious renown. During the performance, this musical collective will guide the audience through an evocative journey of unforgettable hits of Polish tango, while infusing them with a distinct South American flair. All these timeless melodies will be rendered in the genre’s native language – Spanish, and the innovative blend of the elements of jazz, electronic music, and traditional sounds will offer music enthusiasts a fresh and invigorating perspective on the works. The group’s vocalist, Magdalena Lechowska, the driving force behind the band, embraces her dual identity with style. Born in Poland but raised in South America, she strives to bridge the gap between her two homelands, inviting event participants to delve into the very essence of the tango’s soul-stirring melodies.
Mecenas Główny: Gmina Miasta Toruń
Partner Główny: Samorząd Województwa Kujawsko-Pomorskiego
Wydarzenie odbywa się w ramach projektu „Kujawy + Pomorze - promocja potencjału gospodarczego regionu - edycja II"
Mecenas Kultury - Główny Sponsor: PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A.
Mecenasi: Toruńskie Zakłady Materiałów Opatrunkowych S.A. oraz marki: Seni i Bella, Urbitor Spółka z o.o.
Partnerzy: Vobacom Sp. z o.o., Uzdrowisko Ciechocinek S.A. producent wody mineralnej "Krystynka"
Organizator: Toruńska Orkiestra Symfoniczna