Mickiewicz - Stasiuk - Więckiewicz – Haydamaky
The concert is being held as a part of a project: "Póki Polska żyje w nas"
Mickiewicz - Stasiuk - Więckiewicz – Haydamaky
Andrzej Stasiuk - recitation
Robert Więckiewicz – recitation
Toruń Symphony Orchestra
Andrzej Borzym – conductor
Karol Furtak - introduction
In the programme: presentation of timeless texts by Adam Mickiewicz (including: Crimean Sonnets, Reduta Ordona, Dziady, Konrad Wallenrod).
In early 2018, the album Mickiewicz-Stasiuk-Haidamaky have appeared in the Polish music space.
Famous Polish writer Andrzej Stasiuk and the Ukrainian rock band Haydamaky recorded an album on the poems of Adam Mickiewicz. The album included 10 songs in the style of worldmusic & rock with powerful message, which, in addition to poetry of the nineteenth century also covers modern issues.
The album was highly appreciated by journalists and musical critics. The most important Polish media wrote about the project, also the leading radio and TV channels.
Even before the release and official premiere of the album, the leading Polish radio stations were actively rotating the first singles since April 2017.
HAYDAMAKY - Ukrainian ethno-rock band, which is known not only in its own country, but also in Europe and beyond the seas. After 20 years on the stage they are still surprising their audience. The band's music is a modern blend of world styles - from Ukrainian folk to Jamaica reggae. Every time artists experiment with sounds, one always remains - a powerful rhythm section and wind instruments. This is the first Ukrainian band with which the world label EMI has signed a contract. Since 2001, Haydamaky recorded and released 6 solo albums, and 2 others, along with well-known Polish artists. The band takes part in democratic transformations that take place in nowadays Ukrainian. The most important events of the new history of Ukraine are constantly reflected through the work of the group. Haydamaky are always working with foreign stars: Che Sudaka, Apollo 440, Yat-Kha, Kamil Vednarek, Andrej Makarevich, Kellerkomando, Vavamufin, and others. Due to this, they bring Ukrainian musical DNA to a foreign listener, and are gaining European musical space. Haydamaky played at the most famous European festivals, crossing an old continent, having played hundreds of club concerts, won two European Golden Disks. Therefore, the fans called the group "ambassadors of Ukrainian culture".