„Stokrotki i bratki”, czyli koncert z okazji Dnia Matki

Czas dla nas
Rehearsal Room CKK Jordanki
25 zł - child / 35 zł - adult / 80 zł - child + 2 adults

The concerts in the ‘Time for us’ series are addressed to the youngest music lovers up to the age of 6.

The series was created with children and also with parents in mind. The classes introduce the little ones to the world of instruments, make them familiar with their sound, activate them to participate in games, while allowing the adults who take care of them a moment of rest. They are run in an accessible and relaxed manner with the participation of professional artists.

Time for Us proves that there is no shortage of space for anyone in the world of music, and children are the most demanding audience! That is why we make every effort not to extinguish their childhood enthusiasm, not to limit their freedom and to develop their sensitivity through contact with live music.

Preparation and introduction: Adriana Wdziękońska

All concerts take place in the Rehearsal Room of CKK Jordanki