Spotkanie z artystą - Wokół grupy 49 - prawda czy fikcja? | SEROCKI #100

Serocki #100
Data wydarzenia
Concert Hall CKK Jordanki
Admission free

Wydarzenie odbędzie się w ramach projektu SEROCKI #100

"Zygmunt Krauze talks about Kazimierz Serocki and his work" - these words basically summarize everything one can expect from Friday's meeting with the artist - a meeting that will take place before the concert, where he will appear as a composer-pianist performing his own work. Zygmunt Krauze was a friend of Kazimierz Serocki, but also a multiple performer of his compositions. What is most important for the understanding of Serocki's works, i.e. the creative process and its close relationship with the performance opportunity and, consequently, with the resonance in the audience, Zygmunt Krauze learnt in direct cooperation with the composer. Therefore, during the meeting, he will reveal to the audience not only the personality of Serocki, but also, or perhaps above all, how the composer created his works, which elements interested him most, and how the artists - performers to whom he dedicated his works - participated in this process. 
Zygmunt Krauze is a pianist and composer born in 1938. He studied the former profession in Warsaw, in the class of Professor Maria Wiłkomirska, and the latter with the teacher of the main character of this project, Kazimierz Sikorski. In the 1960s he also studied under Nadia Boulanger. His compositional output is dominated by piano compositions, including three concertos composed for this instrument, but also miniatures. It is worth noting that in this respect, the composer did not shy away from experiments related primarily to the idea of the open form of the work and the preparation of the instrument. An important area of Zygmunt Krauze's creative activity is also operas, including Polieukt from 2010, which received the award for the best performance of the season in France after it had been performed in one of there opera theaters. 

Karol Furtak