Muzyczne poranki


Opera Flis

Projektowanie uniwersalne kultury, dostępność w instytucjach kultury

Wolność / Przyszłość

Requiem of Infinity

Cultural Infrastructure 2024

6th International Karol Lipiński Violin Competition

28th International Nova Music and Architecture Festival

Kuyavia in the Folklore - Story Retold

Classical Masters – TOSolists

Cultural Infrastructure 2023


Copernicus #550

27th International Festival “Nova Music and Architecture"

See the Music

All That Jazz

Scena Muzyki Polskiej


Muzyka relaksacyjna dla kobiet w ciąży

Palcem po partyturze

Cultural Infrastructure 2022

"SEROCKI #100" to projekt Toruńskiej Orkiestry Symfonicznej, którego główną ideą jest popularyzacja dzieł i sylwetki rodowitego torunianina Kazimierza Serockiego. Z okazji 100. rocznicy urodzin kompozytora TOS zorganizowała 18 wydarzeń zarówno o charakterze edukacyjnym, jak i popularyzatorskim.

26th International Festival “Nova Music and Architecture"

Póki Polska żyje w nas

Cztery struny świata

25th International Festival Nova Music and Architecture
The jubilee edition of the festival, which is consistently popular among residents and tourists visiting the City of Toruń.

Great composers - Great anniversaries
'Great composers - great anniversaries' is a project whose idea is to honor the memory of artists who celebrate important anniversaries in 2021.

Cultural Infrastructure 2021
Zakup niezbędnego wyposażenia na potrzeby Toruńskiej Orkiestry Symfonicznej.

Kuyavia full of musical uproar!
“Kuyavia full of musical uproar!” is a project that enables the audience to learn about and strengthen the cultural heritage of the region and the influence of folk music on the work of Polish composers.

Conductor - Resident 2020/2021
Initiated by the National Institute of Music and Dance, the ‘Conductor – Resident’ programme aims to present and promote young Polish conductors and enable them to make their debut and acquire performance practice in contact with a professional orchestral ensemble. The resident conductor of Toruń Symphony Orchestra for the 2020/2021 season is Agata Zając.

Culture Support Fund
Culture Support Fund is a financial mechanism established by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage that allows the allocation of PLN 400 million to entities operating in the field of theater, music and dance.

Cultural Infrastructure 2020
The purchase of necessary equipment for the needs of Toruń Symphony Orchestra was co-financed from the funds of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, and from the Cultural Promotion Fund, obtained from subsidies established in the gambling games covered by the State monopoly, in accordance with Article 80(1) of the Act of 19 November 2009 on gambling games.

Viva Beethoven! - 250th anniversary of the composer's birth
As part of the international celebration of the 250th birthday of Ludwig van Beethoven, the Toruń Symphony Orchestra organized a project which included 14 events devoted to the composer.

24. International Festival Nova Muzyka and Architecture / Toruń - Kuyavian-Pomeranian 2020
From June 26 to September 5, 2020, the Toruń Symphony Orchestra organized International Festival Nova Muzyka and Architecture / Toruń - Kuyavian-Pomeranian 2020, which idea is to present music in both historic and modern interiors of Toruń's architecture.

Participatory Budget 2020
The Toruń Symphony Orchestra was the organizer of one of the projects selected by voting. As part of the "One, Two, Three - Musical Bielawy" task TOS organized symphonic concerts, chamber concerts and musical meetings with children.

Uncancelled Festival - Toruń 2020
'Uncancelled Festival - Toruń 2020' is an event for the first time carried out by the Toruń Symphony Orchestra entirely online. The project included live concerts, meetings with artists, workshops and podcasts. The event was co-financed by the 'Kultura w sieci' programme of the National Centre for Culture.

Conductor - Reisdent 2019/2020
The main objectives of the Conductor – Resident Programme are to present and promote young Polish conductors, to make it easier for young conductors to make their debut and acquire performance practice by creating opportunities for them to cooperate and have direct contact with professional orchestral or opera ensembles, and to encourage Polish artistic institutions to undertake cooperation with young conductors. The resident conductor of Toruń Symphony Orchestra for the 2019/2020 season was Wojciech Pławner.

Kultura w zasięgu 2.0
Toruń Symphony Orchestra is taking part in a project entitled ‘Kultura w zasięgu 2.0’, implemented as part of the Regional Operational Programme of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2. Digital region, Measure 2.2 Digital accessibility and usability of public sector information and resources of science, culture and regional heritage.

Composing Comissions
The goal of the programme is to support contemporary music by commissioning new piece and creating conditions conducive to their permanent presence in public space. The core task of the programme is to increase the role of new music as a vital medium of social communication, and to include contemporary compositions in the process of transformation of contemporary culture, among others by contextualizing them through a redefinition of the notions of high culture, the role of the artist and the audience, or the impact of new media and technologies on musical language and reception.

Conductor - Resident 2018/2019
The main objectives of the Conductor – Resident Programme are to present and promote young Polish conductors, to make it easier for young conductors to make their debut and acquire performance practice by creating opportunities for them to cooperate and have direct contact with professional orchestral or opera ensembles, and to encourage Polish artistic institutions to undertake cooperation with young conductors. The resident conductor of Toruń Symphony Orchestra for the 2018/2019 season was Radoslaw Droń.

Digitization of posters - Kultura w zasięgu 2.0
Toruń Symphony Orchestra is taking part in a project entitled ‘Kultura w zasięgu 2.0’, implemented as part of the Regional Operational Programme of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2. Digital region, Measure 2.2 Digital accessibility and usability of public sector information and resources of science, culture and regional heritage.

5th International Karol Lipiński Festival and Violin Competition
From October 1 to October 13, 2019, the Toruń Symphony Orchestra organized the 5th International Karol Lipiński Festival and Violin Competition - Toruń 2019, as well as excellent concerts and recitals by outstanding violin virtuosos. The prizes awarded in the competition were: 1st Prize – 20 000 EUR, 2nd Prize – 15 000 EUR, 3rd Prize – 10 000 EUR, Distinctions – 3 x 2000 EUR.

II International Violin Festival
From February 14 to February 28, 2016, the Toruń Symphony Orchestra organized the II International Violin Festival - Toruń 2016, as part of which the IV International Violin Competition took place, as well as excellent concerts and recitals by outstanding violin virtuosos. The prizes awarded in the competition were: 1st Prize - 12 000 EUR, 2nd Prize - 8 000 EUR, 3rd Prize - 5 000 EUR, Distinctions - 3 x 1 000 EUR.

Moniuszko Days
MONIUSZKO DAYS is a project of the Toruń Symphony Orchestra which main idea is to popularize the works and profile of Stanisław Moniuszko. On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the composer's birth, Toruń Symphony Orchestra organized 34 events, both educational and popularizing.

Forces of Nature "Power of Fire"
'Forces of Nature'" is a new interdisciplinary project of the Toruń Symphony Orchestra in the form of a festival. It took place in 2017-2018 in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian region. The second edition is entitled 'Power of Fire' and was held on October 12. - October 21, 2018.The idea of the project is to present the artistic relationships between the elements and music. The project included symphonic concerts, chamber concerts, and a series of music programs for children from small towns. Outstanding Polish artists, known both nationally and internationally, were invited to participate.

Forces of Nature "Earth, planets, stars"
'Forces of Nature'" is a new interdisciplinary project of the Toruń Symphony Orchestra in the form of a festival. It took place in 2017-2018 in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian region. The project is co-financed by the National Centre for Culture under the "Kultura - Interwencje 2017" programme.