The march down Stanisław Moniuszko Street

For children
Moniuszko Days
Data wydarzenia
Stanisław Moniuszko Street
Admission free

The year 2019 sees the 200th anniversary of the birth of Stanisław Moniuszko, premier composer, conductor, organ player, educator, director of Warsaw’s Teatr Wielki, and the father of Polish opera. Embracing operas, art songs, cantatas, religious music, symphonic works, chamber and solo pieces, operettas, ballets, and theatre music, his oeuvre impresses with its diversity, melodic richness, and deeply-rooted connection with the Polish music heritage. His operas and art songs are the core of Polish vocal literature and often the linchpin of the repertoires of Poland’s greatest singers.

Military Orchestra in Toruń
Students of ZSM in Toruń

The event will begin with a march down Stanisław Moniuszko Street to the rhythm of "Prząśniczka" played by the Military Orchestra in Toruń.  The participants will stop in front of the bust of Stanisław Moniuszko. The next stage of the ceremony will be a move to the "Garden of Musicians" where participants will be invited to participate in various music-related games and works of S. Moniuszko, organized by students of ZSM.