Music of the river vol. 2: Spanish evening
Koncert pod patronatem Konsulatu Honorowego RP w Nawarra, Kraju Basków i La Rioja w Pamplonie.
- Elisa Lopez Amor - clarinet
- Jan Maarten van der Mark - piano
- J. de Monasterio - Adiós a la Alhambra
- I. Albeniz - Mallorca
- F. Chopin - Nokturn E-flat major op. 9 nr 2
- I. Albéniz - Puerta de Tierra
- M. Ravel - Habanera
- E. Granados - Danza española No. 5
- G. Bizet - Gypsy dances from Carmen
- A. Rosenblatt - Fantasy on the themes of Carmen by G. Bizet
Under the auspices of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Navarre, the Basque Country, and La Rioja in Pamplona, the “Music of the River Vol. 2” concert promises an enchanting evening.
What better repertoire for a warm July night than songs inspired by the fiery sun of Spain? This year, residents of Toruń will be transported to the Iberian Peninsula through a free concert held on a barge on the Vistula River.
Jesús de Monasterio’s Adiós a la Alhambra, originally composed for violin and piano, will be performed in a version for piano and clarinet, highlighting the beauty of its melodic line and evoking the grandeur of Granada’s famous fortified palace. The lyrical sound of Isaac Albéniz’s Mallorca intertwines with light, vacation-evoking melodies, while the joyful rhythms of Albéniz’s Puerta de Tierra invite the audience to dance. Polish accents will also grace the evening. Frédéric Chopin’s Nocturne in E-flat Major, Op. 9 No. 2 will soothe listeners with its serene melody, akin to the gentle waves of a river lapping against its banks.
Enrique Granados’s Danza Española No. 5 will juxtapose dramatic and joyful melodies, creating a thrilling musical experience. The concert will also feature a relatively new composition from the 1990s: Alexander Rosenblatt’s Fantasia on Themes from Carmen by G. Bizet. This piece captures the intense drama of Bizet’s famous opera, weaving together its most iconic passages. Spanish music’s influence on French composers will be evident throughout the evening. Maurice Ravel’s Habanera will enchant listeners with its atmospheric and mysterious melody, evoking the essence of the Cuban dance popularized in Spain. The concert will culminate with the Gypsy Dances from Georges Bizet’s opera Carmen, propelling the audience into a lively, accelerating melody reminiscent of a river’s whirlpool.
Elisa López Amor
Elisa López Amor is a distinguished clarinetist who graduated from the Superior Conservatory of Music in València. Her educational journey continued in Rotterdam, where she studied under Professor Walter Boeykens, a renowned professor and clarinet soloist. She also studied chamber music with Professor Ludmila Baslawska, and further refined her craft at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hannover with Professor Hans Deinzer. As a chamber musician, Elisa has performed with numerous musicians across Europe and Asia, gracing stages in France, Germany, Poland, and China.
Jan Maarten van der Mark
Jan Maarten van der Mark, an accomplished pianist, graduated from the class of Professor Ludmila Baslawska. Throughout and after his studies, he participated in numerous masterclasses, honing his skills under the guidance of renowned teachers such as Laza Berman, Aldo Cicolini or Ferenc Rados. As a soloist, Jan Maarten has performed in Italy, France, Spain, and the Netherlands.
Elisa López Amor and Jan Maarten van der Mark form a dynamic duo of clarinet and piano. They have performed in various cities across Spain and have received accolades at prestigious competitions, including the Aix-en-Provence International Chamber Music Competition and the Guadamora International Chamber Contest in Pozoblanco.
Koncert organizowany jest w ramach 28. Międzynarodowego Festiwalu Nova Muzyka i Architektura, przy współpracy z Konsulatem Honorowym RP w Nawarra, Kraju Basków i La Rioja w Pamplonie.
Mecenas Główny: Gmina Miasta Toruń
Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego w ramach programu Narodowego Centrum Kultury: Kultura - Interwencje. Edycja 2024
Partner Główny: Samorząd Województwa Kujawsko-Pomorskiego
Mecenas Kultury - Główny Sponsor: PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A.
Mecenas Strategiczny: Strabag Sp. z o.o.
Sponsor: Urbitor Spółka z o.o.
Partner technologiczny: Vobacom Sp. z o.o.
Patronaty medialne: TVP3 Bydgoszcz, TV Toruń, Nowości - Dziennik Toruński, Toruń Nasze Miasto, Radio PiK, POLMIC
Współpraca redakcyjna: RMF Classic
Organizator: Toruńska Orkiestra Symfoniczna